Salvatore Michael Trento, a graduate of Oxford University, did his early work on the Spanish Balearic Islands. There he helped excavate 3000-year-old megalithic monuments. He also assisted the National Geographic Society on Majorca and Minorca for a magazine story on the mysterious ruins scattered about those islands.
Upon return to his New York State home, Trento formed a research center to investigate stone ruins and inscriptions then being found throughout the country. His teams of geologists, archeologists, pilots, and graduate students spent years surveying and recording the unusual array of stonework.
Trento next focused on Caribbean islands. His breakthrough work on the mysterious stone “walls” found off Bimini’s northwestern shore led him to develop a technique for estimating sea-level rise/fall by analyzing solution-cave stalactites.
While at Lesley College in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Trento began an annual investigation of climate change via Bermuda’s unusual cave formations. He has since expanded the work to the extensive cave systems in the Yucatan.
After moving to the west coast Trento mapped out archeological and geological anomalies throughout the Pacific states. He has published over a dozen professional articles, and the highly acclaimed, The Search For Lost America (Penguin Books) which has since become a cult-classic. Trento has received major media attention (NPR, NBC Morning News, The Today Show) for his pioneering work on ancient America.
His recent eBooks include the revised/expanded versions of best-sellers: Field Guide to Mysterious Places of the West (Pruett), Field Guide to Mysterious Places of Eastern America and Field Guide to Mysterious Places of the Pacific Coast ( Holt). The new eBook versions of these books have expanded sections and new GPS data.
Over the past few years Trento has appeared on the Fox television show Sightings where he detailed a 5000 year old stone ruin in central Massachusetts. His work has been featured in Backpacker Magazine, Cosmopolitan, USA Today, The New York Press, The Washington Post, The San Francisco Examiner, The Denver Post, and elsewhere.
His most recent television work involved film shoots for The Learning Channel (TLC).
Trento is currently scripting a show detailing his Mysterious Places Field Guides.